一个不小心造成了这样的失误,还好外国人比较爽快,钱在3到5个工作日就退回来了。 以后再也不敢在网络上瞎转悠了,要是不退款可就亏大了。 还和他们的工作人员聊了会,呵呵。 Light [15:12] : Thank you for contacting the Sales ...
Light [15:12]: Thank you for contacting the Sales Department. Please give me a moment while I read your question.
Tear [15:12]: I want to cancel my order of hosting(order no….), please refund my money.
Light [15:12]: Tell me the domain name and the password on the account
Tear [15:13]: tearfish.com and 19860119
Light [15:14]: K one moment
Tear [15:15]: ok
Light [15:17]: The account has been cancelled and all monies have been refunded
Tear [15:19]: Money is moved back to my credit card?
Light [15:21]: Yes it takes 3-5 business days for a refund to be posted on the card
Tear [15:23]: Thank you very much, and when I have enough money I will buy it!
Light [15:23]: Ok thank you sounds great
Tear [15:24]: bye
Light [15:24]: Thank you for trying BlueHost.com Live Chat. If you have additional questions, many answers can be found through our Knowledgebase. If you have other issues arise please let us know over live chat or give our Ticket Center a try.
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